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T·NES products are made on the basis of solid and continuous scientific research.

From the scientific literature it is known that electromagnetic signals of a certain type significantly increase the tolerance to hypoxia in post-infarction patients, have strong hagiogenic properties and strongly reduce the cardiovascular risk factor.


Test on guinea pigs

The first trial involved a total of 300 mice with the aim of monitoring performance and cardiopulmonary function at the same time.

The Rotarod Performance Test is a bin test that uses a rotating cylinder to test the animals' ability to balance and move their legs in a coordinated manner. The test provides objective measures regarding balance, coordination, physical condition, motor pattern and motor coordination. The benefit of this test is that it creates a continuous, measurable variable that can be used to quantify the effects of different conditions. The test is computerized, so it is not based on the subjective judgment of an operator.

The Rotarod was performed inside a metabolic chamber which allowed the measurement of the percentage of maximum oxygen consumption (V02MAX), the maximal heart rate (HRMAX) and to calculate the aerobic threshold (maximal aerobic speed, MAV) for each type of workout.


Types of training performed:

  • Steady State Training (SST)
  • Low Intensity Steady State Training (LISST)
  • Steady State Split Session Training (SSSST)
  • High Intensity Endurance Training (HIET)



  • Group A: Active Device, N=100 mice
  • Group B: Placebo, N=100 mice
  • Group C: No Device (control), N=100 mice

In groups A and B, the device was adhered to the mouse skin shortly before the Rotarod test. All experiments were reproduced 3 times, independently. No difference was observed between groups B and C, therefore data from both groups were merged into the same column in the graph below.

Finally, after all 3 tests were performed, some of the group A mice were randomly selected to perform further tests: computed tomography of the heart, echocardiogram, blood analysis and muscle histology.



The results of this study aligned with expectations based on the pilot observations. Only Group A mice showed a marked increase in maximal oxygen uptake (VO2MAX) and aerobic threshold, which was higher in the SST protocol. Overall, the device added a 30-35% increase in overall performance.

Important is the failure to find pathologies or disorders in each of the post-training screenings of the mice.



  • Left bars: Group A, experimental. N=100
  • Right bars: Group B, control (placebo) + C (no device). N=200

At least 100 observations ± SD. Statistically significant (P<0.05) increase in VO2MAX (**) reported compared to control group (*)

The diagram shows an increase in VO2MAX in group A (left) in each type of training performed.


At least 100 observations ± SD. Statistically significant (P<0.05) increase in AVMmax (**) reported compared to control group (*)

The diagram shows an increase of MAV in group A, that means that Group A started producing lactic acid approximately at the speed of 20km/h, while Group B and C at the speed of 11-12 km/h, in each type of training performed.



Standard muscle, after 2 weeks of training with placebo


T-NES system, after 2 weeks of training with LISST


T-NES system, after 2 weeks of training with HIET

Tomography of the heart after using the T·NES system



Echocardiogram after using the T·NES system


Thanks to the University of Tor Vergata, University of San Raffaele, University of Haybusak, University of Catania and IRCSS S. Lucia, Rome. (S. Altobello et al. International Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 2018)



The test is Atleti

The study was conducted on 60 male athletes (competitive triathletes) with a mean age of 27.63 ± 1.54 years, a mean weight of 77.23 ± 1.90 kg and a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 23.73 ± 0.91.

The subjects were subjected, after 3′ of heating, to 6 total trials (3 with placebo and 3 with the device), seven days apart from each other, of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50′ of running at 9km/h with an incremental difference in height of 0.5% every 10′, using a Technogym® Myrun treadmill (Technogym® SpA Via Calcinaro 2861 47521 Cesena, FC). Heart rate expressed in beats per minute was monitored using a Polar M460 heart rate monitor (Polar Italy), while lactate levels, expressed in mmol/L, were measured using a LACTATE PRO 2 device (Arkray ™ Global Business.inc, Kyoto, Japan). Lactate and HR were measured in the minute of elevation gain. During the test period, no athlete used the T·NES device, which was only used on test days.


HR values, decreased thanks to the T NES system during the tests, were:

  • 7% – 10′
  • 6,16% – 20′
  • 6% – 30′
  • 4,25% – 40′
  • 7% – 50′

We note an average 6.5% reduction in heart rate. Only at 40' (4.25%) is there a deviation from the average.

The values concerning the lactate instead are:

  • 27,63% – 10′
  • 13,50% – 20′
  • 11,80% – 30′
  • 13,74% – 40′
  • 12,65% – 50′

In the case of lactate only at 10' (27.63%) there is a deviation from the average of 13% reduction in values.

(A. Johrian et al., Reduction by a Nanotechnology Device of Serum Lactate Levels and Heart Rate in Athletes Undergoing to Resistance Exercises, Journal of Biomaterials, 2018)



Data from professional athletes

Professional Cyclist, tool used for the survey: "Super Op", in green the days in which T-NES POWER was used. HR= Heart rate.



Professional boxer, gloves session, two weeks on placebo

two weeks later with T-NES POWER



Professional boxer, heart rate under stress, with placebo.

Professional boxer, heart rate under stress, with T-NES POWER.



Triathlete test on treadmill, running at 12 km/h with incremental increases of 0.5 km/h every 5'. Left with T-NES POWER and right with Placebo. 



Test on Cyclist, bike, 150 watts for 5', then 200 watts for 5' and final peak. Left with Placebo, right with T-NES POWER.



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